Sunday, November 1, 2009

Late nights...

Why do the best conversations come from meeting together late at night? After you've been together with friends and you begin to wrap things up, but someone sits on the couch and begins talking, then another person, then it just keeps going until you're knee-deep in conversation and no one's going anywhere. Someone always says 'It's getting late...' at least an hour before it's actually over. And there's always the sense of 'We should be in bed now, but this conversation would be ruined if we tried to recreate this moment.' Those are the moments I could live in forever. :)

It's when Jesus was around the camp fire with his disciples. No doubt they had a busy day, and a busy tomorrow ahead. We should be in bed now...but who could leave those moments?

What is it about good conversation that makes it so invigorating? What is it about developing and deepening relationships and understandings that can make you feel like you can fly for days to come?

I don't know the in's and out's of it, but I know I love it. Those moments are the ones we grow in, and the ones we discover things about ourselves we would have otherwise overlooked. Those are the moments you really begin to discover why any other moment happens. 

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